Financial services is the number one industry for fraud. How you protect both your employees and your members is crucial to your success in preventing and catching incidents should they happen. Stay ahead in your planning and ongoing prevention work by including these three key areas of focus:
- Social engineering:
- Employees are the first line of defense. Continuous training on fraud and the latest methods of cyber-attacks helps your team stay aware of risks as they navigate their jobs and their lives. This doesn’t just apply to email. Ensure staff know the security steps to take over the phone to prevent information from getting out.
- Connecting with and educating members is just as important. Make sure they know how you will contact them, and how you will verify their identity.
- Data protection:
- Data protection is crucial to preventing fraud. Reviewing and testing your systems is key to ensuring they are working as they should.
- Physical information is just as important to protect. Reviewing protocols and processes with staff on where and how to dispose of printed information is an easy added step to ensure data security.
- External Pen Tests:
- Testing external penetration of your systems (or pen tests) provides a wealth of information on how secure your system is. Often using a red, yellow, or green method to show strengths or weaknesses, red areas quickly become the priority to resolve and fix. Yellow are areas that need strengthening but are lower priority. This is an easy step to miss after addressing the red areas. Staying on top of those improvements can strengthen your systems and offer a further layer of protection.